Yamato Indigo Dye Powder


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Yamato Indigo Dye Powder
Yamato Indigo Dye Powder

Yamato Indigo Japanese natural-blend indigo powder dye. Needs water; no heating or fermentation is necessary.

It dyes natural materials, such as cotton, linen, silk, leather, wood, and washi paper, into a vibrant, beautiful “Japan Blue.” 

Extracted from indigo plants, synthetic indigo, alkaline agent, and reducing agent. Mix with water, for instant ready to use as a dye.

Ideal for absolute beginners, workshop teachers, and professional dyers. 

10g pack makes 2 to 3 liter vat
Good for small items such as napkins and bandanas. 

30g pack makes 6 to 10 liter vat
Good for T-shirts, canvas totes and pillow cases. 

50g pack makes 10 to 17 liter vat
Good forlong sleeve shirts, cotton pants, sneakers or lots of small items for workshops. 

*1 liter = 1.05 quart

The package comes with instruction sheet.

Yamato Indigo Dye Powder
Yamato Indigo Dye Powder